20 Ways to stop taking yourself so seriouly - (Expressive Dude)

20 Ways to stop taking yourself so seriouly - (Expressive Dude) :

          Yes, Hard work is important but you need to stop taking yourself so seriouly. Stand up for anything that matters to you. Believe that you need to enjoy life and it is your birth right. Being busy everytime is even not right. Time is passing by quickly, you need to enjoy your life. Laugh more, worry less. Don’t let your life pass by miserably instead make it a memorable one.

20 Ways to stop taking yourself so seriouly - (Expressive Dude)

20 Ways to stop taking yourself so seriouly 

1. Laugh 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, you need to laugh more. Laugh more throughout your day. Laugh less at others and more at yourself. Humor is as important as your work. It does not let adversity come close to you. If you can really laugh at yourself you are a winner. Laughing at oneself is not an easy job, it means that you accept yourself fully with all your flaws. You need to be secure about your personality in order to laugh at yourself.
          Negativity starts creeping into our life when we reduce laughing. Don't complain about anything, you can actually laugh and be happy right now in this moment. Science has proved that those who laugh more in a day lead a healthier, longer and happier life than those who don't. 

2. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone 

To stop taking yourself so seriouly you need to accept that tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. Don't die with regrets, die with memories. Don't get to the end of life to say if only I could led a more happy and joyful life. Live life to the fullest and don't postpone it for tomorrow. You have potential to make it happen. Appreciate every moment because it's all what you got. Utilise each day and consider it as a gift. Sometimes its okay to do crazy things, this is what makes life memorable. 

3. Seriousness is unsocial 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, understand that seriousness is unsocial. When you are too serious, you get disconnected from others. Seriousness makes you overlook people. It removes all the memories of your accomplishments. Of course, seriousness can keep you focused but too serious people are often stressed.

          When you are serious, it make you look way more older than you actually are. To be impressive you need to smile more. Smiling removes the constant pressure of taking stress. Too much of seriousness can degrade the mood of people around you. 

4. Don't think about what others think 

To stop taking yourself so seriouly, don't think about what others think. No need to be desperate about others' thoughts. We can assure you that people don't really care about others, they do not have time to think about everyone. So, don't be so concerned about others. You don't need to be admired by everyone. This approach is stupid in itself. Don't over-magnify others opinions. People will come and go just like their opinions. Live your life according to yourself not others.

5. Seriousness is really not cool 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, remind yourself that seriousness is really not cool. You are not cool when you are extremely strict with yourself and others. People often like to be around them who love and enjoy their life.

          Don't try to impress others by being serious. This constant putting up a front is not worth. Sometimes craziness is fine after all we are humans. Seriousness puts a boundary between you and others. Go with the flow of life and utilise your time joyfully.

6. Take responsibility for yourself 

To stop taking yourself so seriouly, take responsibility just for yourself not the whole world. You cannot solve all the problems of the world, seriouly. Just take responsibility for yourself and your life. Do what you want to do. Be the best in whatever you do. You are 100% responsible for your life and happiness.

7. Too seriousness is bad for creativity 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, realize that it is bad for your creativity. When you are at serious state, creativity is difficult. Creativity emerges from a calm mind. You need to strive for solemnity not seriousness.

          Overthinking can be harmful. It blocks your creative mind. Creativity is very important in life. You should know how to create whereas seriousness keeps you stuck.

8. Fill your life with joy 

To stop taking yourself so seriouly, fill your life with joy. Don't be over busy. If you are over busy, its hard for you to enjoy life. Spend time with your family, friends and prioritize everything. Don't just spend your life on judging others. This will make your life happier and your mindset too will improve.

9. Let it go 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, let go of your ego. On a fundamental level, you are not your ego. Ego is worth putting out to enjoy life. Stop fighting to constantly preseve it. You can let go of it. The more clingy you are, the more pain you will get.

           Stop wasting your time on trivial stuffs. Let it go and let happiness and joy come into your life.

10. Laugh or cry 

To stop taking yourself so seriouly, laugh or you have to cry. Honestly and seriously speaking, if you don't laugh, you have to cry. You cannot escape it. The best is to choose to laugh otherwise the other option is always at hand. Let your emotions focus on positivity. Don’t be in a frustrating position. You need to show out your true emotions. Laugh or even cry when you want to, but don't suppress these feelings. Something which has spontaneity has a spark, you totally get absorbed in it. There are plenty of reasons to be happy and laugh. Its ridiculous that many people choose not to laugh due to fear of vulnerabilities. But vulnerabilities make you stronger.

20 Ways to stop taking yourself so seriouly - (Expressive Dude)

11. Breathe 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, breath in and out. The real question is whether you are breathing or not. Other matters are lower. Don't take yourself or any problem too seriously, the real question is whether you're breathing or not? If yes then congratulations, you are alive! This seems crazy but its the fact. As long as you breath, you're alive. Don’t forget the most fundamental thing i.e breathing. You are alive because you're breathing. This can help you out from minor depressions.

          Start embracing your liveliness to such degree that every moment becomes joyful. Be free. Don't pretend to be smart if it does not allow you to be happy. Don’t carry your emotional baggage, just breath and live. Unhappiness comes when you roll down from the fundamentals like taking breathing for granted.

12. Seriousness won't earn you more 

To stop taking yourself so seriouly, understand that too much seriousness won't earn you more money. In fact, its unhealthy for your mind and body. Studies have shown that people who foster anger and seriousness earn way more less than those who don't. Start with a new perspective, be happy and it will provide you enthusiasm to earn more. You will have control in both, your life and business. Be happy about your accomplishments and count your blessings.

13. Interact with people 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, interact more with people. They give you new ideas and inspire you. Open out your space and be open to people. You'll see the world in a completely different way. They provide opportunities which you might have not even thought of. Build your relations, it helps and matters a lot. Its amazing when you interact with people and exchange ideas.

          Smile more. Acknowledge everyone. Make your presence powerful. When you interact with people, it makes your creative juice flowing in mind, you become more curious, exciting and a better person.

14. Smile in difficult times 

To stop taking yourself so seriouly, smile in difficult times, it makes your body relax and lower down your stress levels. Happy hormones gets triggered and you actually start feeling happy. Its contagious when someone sees you smiling, automatically he/she too starts smiling. This is good for health too, seriously.

15. Don't judge 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, don't judge. Practice gratitude. Don’t judge others for the expectation that you need to be serious all the time. Its a half sight. It's worse if you keep judging everyone with single closed mindset.

          Nothing really matters about seriousness. It depends on engaging with people correctly. Improve your attitude. Have a humble attitude rather than a serious one. You must be the person who is easily approachable. Its not impossible, give it a try and make yourself reliable. It matters for your business as well.

20 Ways to stop taking yourself so seriouly - (Expressive Dude)

16. Admit when you're wrong 

To stop taking yourself so seriouly, admit when you're wrong. Anybody can be wrong there's no issue about it but if you don't admit when you're wrong its an issue. Anyone cannot avoid making mistakes. Never expect yourself to be correct all the time, seriously. But it does not make you any less admirable so accept your mistakes. It increase your grace. Learn from your mistakes. You should improve and correct your mistakes. Its the sign of maturity.

17. Start with the end in the mind 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, start with the end in the mind. Clear out your final destination or the end goal. How do you want to feel that time? Have a lighter approach towards yourself.

          Seriously, don't take yourself too serious. Prepare according to the end in the mind. Then you'll have desired results.

18. Some things are rather insignificant  

To stop taking yourself so seriouly, understand that some things are rather insignificant. This moment is just a tiny part of your entire life. Don't give it extra negative significance by being too serious. Just live, don't get lost in deep degrees in this moment. Current capabilities should be adjusted according to the significance. Don't take any problem too seriously. You have to work around problems but don't take them too personally. Deal with the problems with unique perspective.

19. Life has its own plan 

          To stop taking yourself so seriouly, understand that life has its own plan. If you plan out everything, you are setting yourself up for dissappointment. Time passes and changes. No need to put a fence over it.

          Life doesn’t promise you easy way but it has promised that hard is worthwhile. Stick to it and reduce your dissappointments.

20. Think about the worst case scenario 

To stop taking yourself so seriouly, think about the worst case scenario. Anything could happen! Many choices lead you to growth. It prevents the positivity from being lost. Enjoy your life and its all that matters.

          We hope you liked this article "20 Ways to stop taking yourself so seriouly - (Expressive Dude)". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind to share it with your friends as well. 

Also read : "These 6 questions will help you stop taking yourself too seriously - Lifehack".


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          Which of the above mentioned points resonated with you and which are the ones are you going to implement right now in your life? And if you have any questions, queries or suggestions, let us know in the comments below as comment box has been created just for you! We would love to hear from you. See you soon. 

         Thank you. Have a great day and great life. Be a part of our community and we want to see that smile on your face. 


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