20 Ways to be more productive - (Expressive Dude)

20 Ways to be more productive - (Expressive Dude) :

          Productivity is very important in life. You need to be productive not just busy. If you run a business, your customers pay you for the value of product you provide not the time you put into it. Just being busy for long periods of time does not necessarily mean that you are productive. Some people can produce the same value in one hour as the other people who take 10 hours to produce the same value. In this case the former people are more productive. Don't overuse yourself rather become productive. In this context decision making is important. Understand the fundamental concepts and work on them. Productive people can excute the same work in less time than others.

20 Ways to be more productive - (Expressive Dude)

20 Ways to be more productive  

1. Keep yourself at the centre 

          To be productive, you need to keep yourself at the centre when you work. Make sure the work you do should align with your values. When you feel unproductive usually you are comparing yourself to someone else. Your productivity has nothing to do with other's productivity.

          Keep the grass green. Its normal to compare for growth but productivity cannot be compared because it is unique for everyone. Just follow your own routine. Keep the goals and ideas in front of you and start working. 

2. Cut the distractions 

To be productive, you need to cut the distractions out. Distractions can make you way less productive than you think. You may feel unproductive just by the distractions. Distractions are time killers so be away from them. Focus your full attention on the work, it will increase your productivity. Put your energy in your good use and don't let distractions lower down your energy levels. Also keep in mind that distractions are very appealing. This will also provide you motivation. Don't pay attention to anything else other than your work. Just cut out the distractions and move on with your work to increase your productive efficiency

3. Ask people 

          To be productive, you need to ask people that they call you only in urgent times, no other than that. Keep your hand through it.

          You can set the important contacts to allow and put your phone in DND mode so that only important ones can call you. It is for the employees who may need your help. Flag others out and don't let them interrupt you.

4. Have color-coded charts 

To be productive, have color-coded charts on google. It provides you various themes and patterns beautifully organised for your specific tasks. You can have it online on phone or laptop. It will help you head towards a productive day. It is much better than a random to-do list. Apps helps you to track your progress. You can edit or delete them any time you want. It makes your work easier to do. It guides you like an assistant and make you count your time productively.

5. Have accountability 

          To be productive, you need to have accountability. If you work in a team, use the team as an advantage to be accountable to. This can be done easily in a group. Reward yourself after you have finished the work.

          The good thing about working in a team is that you have a similar goal. All want to achieve it. This will satisfy your clients. People tend to be more productive by being around productive people. Be the driver of your productivity and your team will be proud of you.

6. Remove procrastination 

To be productive you need to remove procrastination. It may seem difficult at first but by continuously practicing it makes it so more easy. You can use two-minutes rule, it means that if any work can be completed in less than 2 minutes then do it now. These are the tactics to increase productivity. You should apply it, its effective. Kill the procrastination habit and face the hard work. Schedule it according to time table and wrap them up as soon as possible.

7. Don't take pressure 

          To be productive, don't take pressure and give yourself time to manage the tasks. People tend to work better when the tasks are organised beforehand. Pressure does not help much to become productive. But you need to be aware of the deadlines and the tasks to be completed.

           Respond to your customers time to time. This will decrease the pressure to complete the whole work. Working under pressure creates stress which reduces productivity.

8. Be around greenary 

To be productive, you need to be around greenary. Have plants near you. It maintains the temperature of your room which can maintain your productivity. It helps you to thrive more. It balances the oxygen in your surrounding. Sunlight should also be proper in your room. Decorate your room with some plants. It will provide you fresh air as well as work satisfaction. Its inevitable that plants are of good use to us. This is how to be more productive at work.

9. Keep record of time 

          To be productive, you need to keep records of time. Time tables are useful here. Only schedule according to the importance and duration of works. Give the break spots. Do your best to complete each task. Speed up your work if you are lagging behind.

          Just work and start the next project. Chances increase that your productivity will become better. Get some help if you need and manage your time.

10. Improve your to-do list 

To be productive, improve your to do list. There are some huge mistakes in planning to-do list. Don't have it in random points. Put it according to your talent. This is how to be more productive in life. Don't let your to-do list destroy your energy due to lack of management. Asssign the specific tasks according to the importance and time duration of the task and track your progress with skills.

20 Ways to be more productive - (Expressive Dude)

11. Get training  

          To be productive, you can get training on it. Attend seminars and coachings. They will teach you exact strategies with minor details which will make you a more productive person.

          You can also use software for it. This is especially helpful for employees and trainees. Get the materials and ensure your productivity increament.

12. Set a reward 

To be productive, set a reward for yourself. Set it before you start working. This is how to be more productive at home. Reward yourself when you finish the task. This will provide you positive motivation. You can also help your colleagues with this. To be nice is a reward in itself. Be friendly to others and those who be around you most of your time.

13. Utilise your morning 

          To be productive, utilise your morning in positive habits. You can meditate in the morning. As soon as you wake up don't get busy in responding your emails and clearing your inbox. You are accountable to make your morning good so that your day will also be good.

          Social media accounts are motivation killers. Be away from them especially in the morning. Try to install good habits. This will energise you from morning to noon till night. You need to better your morning by any means. It is essential for your productivity.

14. Have courage 

To be productive, you need to have courage to work through difficulties. Some individuals have it which makes them admirable and separates them from others. Its not percieveable but you need to pay attention to the concept of dealing with situations by courage. It will make you succeed. This is the reason for proposition as well as survival and productive efficiency.

15. Get in the flow 

          To be productive, you need to get in the flow. What the experts call it 'the zone'. It makes you feel completely absorbed in the work. It means that you're in the flow.

          This reminds you that you are doing exactly what you're supposed to do. This helps you to achieve your goals faster. Work your best to get in the flow and work while you're in the state.

20 Ways to be more productive - (Expressive Dude)

16. Evaluate your capacity 

To be productive, you need to evaluate your capacity. Don't take over stress. Just focus on your capacity and try to do your best to get things done for a productive day. In order to do this, prioritize your suggested works. Manage them according to your schedule. You need to spare some time for your other activities like exercise, sleep, meal etc. These are also important for your productivity.

17. Don't over-commit 

          To be productive, don't over-commit to anyone. Don't want them to see you as a dedicated person who just accepts every task. This can decrease your productivity.

          Don't let the files and documents pile over your desk. You need to take responsibility for how much you can do.

18. Divide your work 

To be productive, you need to divide your work into small chunks. Make small parts of your goals to be effective. Get each one done at a time. The reality is that you cannot do any big task in a single time. So don't take burden and stress over it. Get things done rather than trying to accomplish it in hurry. Make it manageable. Keep the distance of events which you can work towards.

19. Have inspirations around you 

          To be productive, you need to have inspirations around you. Put the inspirational quotes from great people in front of you desk. You can’t achieve anything without a goal and a consistent motivation.

          Let them inspire you and make a place for them in your surroundings. It will drive you to work better.

20. Take breaks 

To be productive, you need to take breaks between your work. You need to re-energise your body and mind during breaks. It helps to motivate you for futher work. Insted of continually grinding whole day, assign some breaks to yourself, you'll be more productive. Official studies have shown that taking proper breaks during the work can keep you motivated for a long period of time. This is how to be more productive in life.

           We hope you liked this article "20 Ways to be more productive - (Expressive Dude)". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind enough to share it with your friends as well. 

Also read : "How to be more productive when you're not motivated."

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          Which of the above mentioned points resonated with you and which are the ones are you going to implement right now in your life? And if you have any questions, queries or suggestions, let us know in the comments below as comment box has been created just for you! We would love to hear from you. See you soon. 

         Thank you. Have a great day and great life. Be a part of our community and we want to see that smile on your face. 

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