10 Ways to overcome FEAR OF REJECTION

10 Ways to overcome the FEAR OF REJECTION :

          Historically, as we have developed in our society, we have also encountered the rise of fear of rejection. As a human being sometimes the conditions are harsh. Some of us feel the pain of rejection and take it too seriously. The fear of rejection is so paralysing. As early as we can understand, the pain is not real. If we look at an average, only 5-7 percent of the people criticize you and the rest are supportive as stated by Brendon Burchard. Register this in your mind and body. Accept yourself totally and remove the fear of rejection. As we all know these steps are easier read than done but you need to practice them regularly to make them a habit like your second nature.

10 Ways to overcome FEAR OF REJECTION

10 Ways to overcome the FEAR OF REJECTION 

1. Accept the worst outcome possible 

          To overcome the fear of rejection, accept the worst outcome possible. Step out and imagine it vividly. Say to yourself "Well, that's something interesting."

          Don't worry about it. Refuse to feel sad about it. Gradually you'll notice the fear of rejection disappears. 

2. Rejection is not bad 

To overcome the fear of rejection, understand that rejection is not a bad thing. Focus on its good aspects. You may be rejected because you're destined for something better and the current situation is not suitable for you. Think for long term consequences, its good for you. Turn down the hate of overcoming rejection and be good towards your works. Remote your needs and focus on better things. They won't give your anxiousness. 

3. Practice meditation 

          To overcome the fear of rejection and rejection depression practice meditation. It will help you become aware of the present moment and see the situation exactly as it is. This is a recipe for emotional balance.

          Dynamic energy should be centered by meditation. Do it every morning and it will balance your emotions throughout the day. 

4. Act fast 

To overcome the fear of rejection, act fast. Say to take all the responsibilities and tasks that challenge you. Act fast and finish them off and get rid of the fear of rejection. This might seem hard but do it often to make it a habit. Quickly finish off the works and find ways to do the things which you fear about rejection. Do them fast.

5. Start journalling 

          To overcome the fear of rejection, start journalling. Journalling helps in cognitive flow and to cop up with rejection depression. Write everything about what you fear to be rejected. This way you can develop your feelings and release dwelling your mind in fear.

          Break out the applications and understand. Write everything how it should go, what new opportunities you can get and all other stuffs when you let go of the fear. Don't miss the humor even if you're rejected.

10 Ways to overcome FEAR OF REJECTION

6. Change your perspective 

To overcome the fear of rejection, change your perspective. Get into the context of overcoming rejection. Everything happens for the good of you, ultimately. You have the ability to do better. The sky isn't falling. Enjoy yourself and build up your confidence again. Face the rejection, never let it freeze you. This is significant in the process.

7. Identify the fear 

          To overcome the fear of rejection, identity the fear. See where and why its rooted in you. It's a strange feeling. Seriously, grow up and search online for why you may feel the fear and search the solution. There are numerous resources available online. It may be due to insecurities. Environment can also lead to insecurities which leads to the fear of rejection and the losing of power.

8. Reject negativity 

To overcome the fear of rejection, reject negativity in your mind. Its easy to get affected by criticism leading to rejection depression. But prepare yourself at fault. Reject any negative thoughts in your mind. Believe in positivity to achieve your goals. You and only yourself can change the situation.

10 Ways to overcome FEAR OF REJECTION

9. Have confidence 

          To overcome the fear of rejection, have confidence in yourself. First of all, remind yourself that you have the ability to do almost anything. Build up the succeeding mentality. Remove out the last step of fear for overcoming rejection.

          Work for seconds for rejection. After all, you need to control yourself and believe in yourself. Remind yourself that improvements are happening. Be less fearful and more empowered to get out of it.

10. Analyze 

To overcome the fear of rejection, analyze. Once rejected can be made up. A wise person understands the nature of rejection. Don't rush out immediately. Analyze the situation yo get better and learn from the rejection. All experiences have a lesson. This failure can help you out for the better to make you a winner in the future.

          We hope you liked this article "10 Ways to  overcome FEAR OF REJECTION". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind enough to share it with your friends as well. 

Also read : "How to overcome the fear of rejection and improve your self esteem - Thelawofattraction.com".

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          Thank you. Have a great day and great life. Be a part of our community and we want to see that smile on your face. 

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