Top 10 REGRETS of the old people

Top 10 REGRETS of the old people :

          Wouldn't it be better if you knew the biggest regrets that old people have so that you don't make the same mistakes? Yes, its better. Everyone has something to say about life especially the old people. They can give you understandings so that you can live your life without regrets. These people are most helpful. So know the regrets earlier so that you don't allow them in your life.

Top 10 REGRETS of the old people

Top 10 REGRETS of the old people 

1. Spending less time with loved ones 

          Spending less time with loved ones is one of the biggest regrets old people have. So spend more time with your loved ones i.e family members and close friends. Its the love that you share that you'll remember in old ages not how busy you were or how much money you made.

          Its easy to take loved ones for granted because they're always with you. But make sure that you're spending reasonable amount of time with people you love. Once the time is gone, you cannot bring it back even with all the money in the world.

"Top 10 REGRETS of the old people"

2. Not living one's own life 

Not living one's own life is another regret that old people have. See, you need to work on your dreams and your own life, even if you fail, you'll not have regrets. But if you try and keep trying again and again with better approaches, you might actually make it happen. So spend time building and living your own life. Life is too short to live someone else's life. Work on your ideal life and try to accomplish it. Whether, its starting a business, running a marathon or raising a great family. Whatever it may be, do it in your own way. 

3. Not following one's passion 

          Not following one's passion is another regret that old people have. Old people wish if only I had followed my passion, my whole life could be different. So follow your passion. Its easy to get caught up in day to day routine for survival, security and stability.

          But if you have no passion in your life, it will start seducing you from inside. An average mediocre life may seem solid from outside but its rotten from inside. A mediocre life may give you security but its expense and cost is way too much of loss.

4. Not saving more 

Not saving more is another regret that old people have. It may not seem fun and glamorous at first. But savings can alleviate your support in old ages. It will pay you later. Money saved is money earned. You need to have financial security for the old age. After retirement, you'll largely rely on your savings. Studies from various people have shown that starting to save early can have a powerful impact on the quality of your old age. Yes, you need to save money but it does not mean that you become a miser. You need to spend reasonable amount for your personal growth and happiness as well.

"Top 10 REGRETS of the old people"

5. Breaking up with true love 

          Breaking up with true love is another regret that old people have. They wish, they would have tried to understand each other's feelings more. They would have not broken up. They would have spent their life with their true love. Romance is a big domain of your life.

          You need to have a true love for your life. This is a big issue and one of the most concerned. They wish they hadn't fought on silly problems and issues. They wish they wouldn't have dumped or got dumped. It might be tough to find your true love but if you get him/her, don't let them go. Today is the best day to embrace your relationship and look back actually how good it is.

"Top 10 REGRETS of the old people"

Top 10 REGRETS of the old people

6. Not enjoying life 

Not enjoying life is another regret that old people have. This is the most important. You certainly should not regret on this. Stop worrying now because this moment is your life. Think beyond your circumstances. Choose happiness and enjoy your life more. This is all that matters. Don't be too late to understand this simple thing. Spend your every day with joy and happiness. Do what brings joy to you.

"Top 10 REGRETS of the old people"

7. Caring too much about what others think 

          Caring too much about what others think is another regret that old people have. I am telling you, people don't really care, they seldom do because they have their own issues going. So don't put your precious life at stake for a nonsense thought of what others think. This is the most unfortunate thing. Stop worrying about what others think.

          What others think is non of your business. Probably you should focus on what you think about yourself rather than what others think about you. So don't do this. You cannot truly live, if you constantly take other's problems about what they think of you. Be simply yourself and long for nothing.

"Top 10 REGRETS of the old people"

8. Working too much 

Working too much is another regret that old people have. Don't get too busy in working that you forget to live your life. Living life fully is more important than the 9-5 job. So many of us work hard day and night to buy amazing stuffs but after getting them we're not really happy. So why we work so hard on trivial stuffs. Your whole life cannot be dictated by how much money you have but how you live your life. Things alone cannot provide joy. Don't get too busy that you're unable to enjoy your life. Make your life happier not a drain pursuit of materials.

"Top 10 REGRETS of the old people"

Top 10 REGRETS of the old people

9. Not having courage to express true feelings 

          Not having courage to express true feelings is another regret that old people have. You should be expressive about your feelings not suppresive. Have the courage to express yourself. Don’t let others block your true feelings or else you may end up living a mediocre life.

          Never get hanged up by other's opinions. You know you are destined for something better. Become what you were truly meant to be. If you have the courage to express your feelings and emotions, you can lead a powerful and joyful life. Resentments cannot bother you if you're true to your feelings and emotions.

"Top 10 REGRETS of the old people"

10. Taking life too seriously 

Taking life too seriously is another regret that old people have. Don't take your life too seriously. Its a joyful journey. Who ever told you to take your life too seriously? Achievements and dissappointments are part of life. But don't be so attached to them that you use them to limit yourself. You should probably have fun and joy while living your life. Other things do not matter much. Don't spend your hours, days, weeks, months and years in worrying. Plus the time you've got is not so long. Be less reactive to circumstances and appreciate the joy more.

           We hope you liked this article "Top 10 REGRETS of the old people". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind to share it with your friends as well.

          Which of the above mentioned points resonated with you and which are the ones are you going to implement right now in your life? And if you have any questions, queries or suggestions, let us know in the comments below as comment box has been created just for you! We would love to hear from you. See you soon. 

          Thank you. Have a great day and great life. Be a part of our community and we want to see that smile on your face. 


(old people's biggest regretsdeathbed regrets10 biggest regrets on deathbedbiggest regrets in lifemen's biggest regrets in lifeolder adults who look back on their lives with regrets wishing they could relieve their liveslife regrets)

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