Bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with. Whether its overspending, checking your phone regularly or even toxic stuffs. These habits have been installed in our brain by repetition. It can be hard to break a habit however motivated you may be. This is because these are the behaviors that do not have conscious control. This can greatly affect your productivity and happiness. These are the best ways to break bad habits.



1. Identify the core of your habits 

          One of the ways to break bad habits is to identify the core of your bad habits. Identifying the core may be harder than you think. The habits works in a pattern illustrated by Charles Duhigg. It has three components :

1. Cue - The feeling, location or time that triggers the habit

2. Routine - The action.

3. Reward - Gratification or satisfaction. 

Notice and pay attention to all of these components. If you find yourself craving for that bad habit, identity the cue - whether the feeling, location or time is triggering the habit. Now change the routine of that bad habit into some good and constructive action. And you get the same reward or surge of dopamine.  This way you can change the bad habit into a good habit. You just cannot remove the bad habit, you have to change it for the good habit. It will make you more self aware of your habits

2. Talk to yourself 

To break bad habits, you need to have a serious talk with yourself positively. We don't even realise the bad habit until we recover from it. Then we feel bad and angry at ourselves. You might be guilty of your bad habits but don't communicate negative with yourself. It harms your self confidence. Just notice the behaviors and impact if them in your life. 

3. Cultivate your willpower 

To break bad habits, you need to have willpower. Decide right now to quit the bad habit. Make your willpower strong by all means. Never fall from your decisions and expectations.

4. Be on track 

To break bad habits, you need to be on track. Things may not go as planned. There may be interruptions. So, be on the track to change your bad habit with a good one. Don't get knocked off the track. Build your momentum. You can put message alerts, spouse or friends to help you. You can also share it on your social accounts about the habits you are trying to break and especially why. This will make you less likely to fail.

5. Fine yourself 

To break bad habits, fine yourself whenever you happen to repeat the bad habit. This will make you to not repeat the bad habit. Tell to your friends that whenever you repeat the bad habit you'll pay for their bills. You can fine yourself by having to clean their stuffs or not allowing yourself to go to the movie on weekend.

6. Make changes 

To break bad habits, make a few changes to cue points. Don't get close to your cues whether its a feeling, a place, time or anything, be away from it. You should set yourself intensive rules to break a bad habit. Take conscious control of your uncouncious behaviours and start doing according to the changes. 

7. Make a plan

To break bad habits, you need to have a plan. Without a plan you cannot reach the destination. You will have more trouble to keep up. So, make the plan and write it down. Write the guidelines and pitfalls on the plan. Plan to do something instead of that bad habit. Maybe change your location. Don't get discouraged if you seem far from the plan. We learn by making mistakes. This is a part of the process.

8. Journal your progress

To break bad habits, you need to journal your progress. You need to have a sense that you are winning little by little. Monitor your actions. It will make you motivated and will throw light on the cues of bad habits. 

9. Go slow 

To break bad habits, you need to go slow. New habits takes time to install in your brain and body. In the same way bad habits takes time to be removed. It takes time as well as effort. Be patient and keep going. Incremental achievements will motivate you to achieve the seemingly daunting goals.

10. Be mindful

To break bad habits, be mindful. Take step by step approach. Be diligent in it. Practice mindfulness by meditation. It will provide you a positive mindset to cop up with uncouncious behaviour. Train your body and mind to be aware of temptations of the habit. Meditation will help you understand the positivity of life without the bad habit.


11. Be kind to yourself 

To break bad habits, be kind to yourself. Remember removing a bad habit is a process. It needs change. You might fail and drop down to old habits. But that's okay, we all make mistakes, after all we are human. The important thing is to keep trying. Forgive yourself and maintain the belief and discipline to overcome it.

12. Focus on creation

To break bad habits, focus less on removing it and more on creating a good one. Imagine what could replace that habit. You will have an empty space when you remove a bad habit so you need to fill it up with a good habit. This is and efficient way to reframe your mindset.

13. Be accountable

To break bad habits, be accountable. Breaking a bad habit can be a team - effort. Get your friends and family members involved in the process. It is much better than solo work. It will surely compell you to break the habit. Get accountability and be honest with yourself.

14. Start small

To break bad habits, start small. Don't make too many changes at once. To be successful in overcoming your bad habit, small steps are healthier to survive. Don't overwhelm yourself. Small starting will give you the time and energy to adapt yourself to change and fix the issue forever.

15. Introspect yourself 

To break bad habits, intospect yourself. See the deeper issues within you which might have caused you to start the habit. It might be low performance or change in your social circle. Inquire yourself to the bottom to find out sustainable motivation to break the habit.


16. Think long-term

To break bad habits, think long-term. Bad habits tend to satisfy short term pleasures. This can produce consequences that are harmful in the long run. Remember, changing a habit may be painful at first, but un-installing your bad habits will lead you to a positive and more happy life. Keep in mind, why you are investing the efforts, it is for the long run.

17. Repeat

To break bad habits, repeat the good habits again and again. Habits cannot be replaced overnight. They take time for a healthy and long lasting results. It's okay if you fail in initial times. Sometimes it can be really difficult to overcome. It takes a lot of struggle to make the changes permanent.

18. Reward yourself 

To break bad habits, reward yourself on small wins. Congratulate yourself whenever you overcome it. Buy yourself a gift on your victories. This way you will make the habit more enjoyable and workable.

19. Rebel

To break bad habits, rebel against the social norms. One of the excuses people make is that everyone does it.  You don't have to follow the wrong social norms. Think about the harm that it is causing you. Spend less time with people having bad habits and more time with people having good habits.

20. Write it down 

To break bad habits, write them down. Research have shown that whenever you write something down, it make it more likely to happen in the real world. Put your emotions and write out everything. It will penetrate better in your head. Analyse the pros and cons of the habit and write them down too. All these analysis will clear your mind and you will be more like to break the bad habit.

          We hope you liked this article "20 Ways to BREAK BAD HABITS". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind enough to share it with your friends as well. 

Also read : "How to break a bad habit  ( and replace it with a good one ) - James Clear".

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