20 Ways to STOP BEING JEALOUS of others - (Google search : Expressive Dude)

20 Ways to STOP BEING JEALOUS of others (Google search : Expressive Dude) :

          Though jealousy is pointless, but once it creeps into your head, it will destroy you. Jealousy can hold you back from your goals and distract you. Jealousy is illogical in the sense that it does not serve you anything but stress. You can be jealous of everyone but you will never be satisfied by it. If you give away the key of your happiness to others, you will be in a big trouble. Don’t let your inner critic surrender to jealousy. It is destructive way of living life. To live a healthy and happy life, you need to eliminate jealousy from your mind. These are the ways to stop being jealous of others. 

Ways to STOP BEING JEALOUS of others

20 Ways to STOP BEING JEALOUS of others 

1. Find out the triggers 

          To stop being jealous of others, you need to find out the triggers. Be aware of the specific events that triggers your jealousy. Find out the real and exact causes of your jealousy. What stirrs you up? Whether it's other's success, finance, relationship or any other thing. Now find out why it affects you. The reason might be that you are lacking them yourself. So, improve those areas of your life. 

2. Count your blessings  

To stop being jealous of others, count your own blessings. What are the things you are greatful for. Keep your focus on that. You will be less likely to focus on others so jealousy will eliminate. Be thankful to God, everyone and everything around you. Chances are that you have developed a jealousy mindset because you never focus on your blessings. Turn your behaviour around and start gratitude journalling. This will make you secure from within and there will be no need of you being jealous

3. Remove your insecurities 

To stop being jealous of others, you need to remove your insecurities. Jealousy starts from fear. Fear that you might not be as successful, beautiful or rich as the other person. This makes you afraid. And the jealousy creeps into your head. The thing you need to do is shift your focus from yourself to others. Reverse the attention. Your failure starts from jealousy because it takes up so much of your time and energy. Jealous people are insecure that they are not as good as others but this is just in your head. These are just stories. So, remove your insecurities and be honest with yourself even if you are vulnerable. 

4. Celebrate your own success 

To stop being jealous of others, you need to celebrate your own success. Celebrate yourself for how hard you work, your accomplishments and how far you've come. Comparing yourself to others decreases the joy of your success. You did not come this far to compare and be jealous of others. You came this far because you wanted to and for your own happiness. Don’t let jealousy emerge from your success. You have achieved it not to show to others. So, pat your back and be quite proud of yourself. Keep the desires your own and don't let jealousy tame it. Next time, whenever you achieve something, take some time to celebrate it.

5. Be generous  

To stop being jealous of others, be generous with others. If you feel jealousy of someone remember that he/she has worked hard and sacrificed something to get there. Be humble to hard work and sacrifice. You just cannot have it in one day. If you want to be like someone, you should work hard like them. Respect other's hard work. This will make you an incredible and a better person. Give yourself permission to be happy for others not jealous of them. Nothing worthy happens randomly. It takes lots of hard work and effort. Be generous and you will find abundance in your life. It will also cut out some jealousy from your life. What others have, does not necessarily mean that you too should have it.

6. Reassure 

To stop being jealous in a relationship, you need to reassure doubts with your partner. If you are jealous of your partner talking to someone else, have a healthy conversation with him/her and reassure your doubts and jealousy. It is better to be transparent than being jealous sneekingly. Ask him/her to clear your doubts. Its not hard. If nothing is wrong then your partner will not mind explaining it to you. This ia a healthy approach to not being jealous

7. Fill your life with joy 

To stop being jealous of others, fill your life with joy. Whenever you feel jealous, quit the location. Do the work that you enjoy. Eliminate all jealousy by filling up your life with joy, happiness and prosperity. Don't spend your time on being jealous and dealing with it. Find peace within yourself. 

8. Accept and don't react 

To stop being jealous of others, firstly accept that you are jealous but don't immediately react on it. You have to accept it then you can remove it. But it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to react. Jealousy generates  a tendency to harm others in some way. So, don't react and let the feeling pass by.

9. Don't seek validation 

To stop being jealous of others, stop seeking validation. The habit of seeking validation creates jealousy. If someone is praised in front of you, you feel insecure, you have a thought that you need to prove others that you too are worthy of appraisal. This is called seeking validation. When you are jealous, you seek attention and recognition more than others. Remove this habit of craving validation. You don't have to be liked by everyone. So don't try to prove it.

10. Trust 

To stop being jealous of others in a relationship, you should decide to opt for trust sometimes. Being jealous makes you feel suspicious about everything. Sometimes, you should just trust your partner not your insecurities. So much of trouble, stress and anxiety can be eliminated if you just decide to trust them.

Ways to STOP BEING JEALOUS of others

11. Be positive 

To stop being jealous of others, be positive. Remember, the world is not unfair. You have to deal with your mindset. You might see others' lives more successful, joyful and happy than yours. So, what you gonna do about it? Will you be jealous of them or will you be ready to work hard which will develop you. The choice is always yours.

12. Understand your feelings 

To stop being jealous in a relationship, you need to understand your feelings objectively. Observe your feelings objectively. See if you're wrong. You don't have to own another person. You should allow your partner the freedom he/she needs. Don't immediately judge him/her at once.

13. Spend less time on social media 

To stop being jealous of others, spend less time on social media. Everything on social media is not true. Social accounts always projects the best lives and relationships of others because who would show the negative stuffs in their social accounts. So, social media can be decieving. Its not accurate representation of someone's life. So, don't strain yourself by looking at best lives and best couples on social sites and stay away from it.

14. You have all you need 

To stop being jealous of others, remember that you have all you need to become all you want. Everyone cannot have everything, work to make yourself better. We all have unique gifts. If you be jealous of other's gift, you will waste your own. 

15. Learn from your jealousy 

To stop being jealous of others, learn from your jealousy. Recognise that whenever you felt jealous, nothing good happened to you but it just created stress. Use your jealousy as inspiration. At instance, you should work on yourself. 

Ways to STOP BEING JEALOUS of others

16. Stop projecting your insecurities 

To stop being jealous in a relationship, you need to stop projecting your insecurities on your partner. Jealousy has nothing to do with the other person. Its everything inside of you. Learn to differentiate your love from your insecurities. If you are constantly worried that he/she might cheat on you, then its not your love, its your insecurity. Be honest with your partner in every approach.

17. Use visualisation technique 

To stop being jealous of others, use visualisation techniques. These techniques have sessions where you think only positive thoughts and play out worst case scenarios in your mind so that you can be calm when it happens in reality. This will also help to improve your thinking patterns. There are various books, recordings and video tapes which will teach you how to use this technique. 

18. Look at the end 

To stop being jealous of others about money, look at your end goals. Some of you might be jealous of the expensive stuffs of others. But you should not spend your money on things you don't need. Save your money. Make a budget. Have financial goals and keep it where you can see it often. So, when you feel jealous of others about money, you can quickly look at your financial chart and remind yourself why you started saving money in the first place.

19. Practice gratitude 

To stop being jealous of others, practice gratitude. Write five things everyday that you accomplished. You should have something to be proud of. This will cut out the jealousy

20. You don't really have time 

To stop being jealous of others, understand that you don't really have time to be jealous. If you constantly compare with others, you will be less yourself. Stick to your values. When you compare, you become unhappy. Instead focus on yourself. Discover what works for you and build your momentum to grow.

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