20 Ways to MASTER YOUR MIND - (Expressive Dude)

20 Ways to MASTER YOUR MIND - (Expressive Dude) :

          Mastering your mind is one of the most important things that you can do in your life. Be your own boss. Master your brain, psychology and thinking patterns. But it is not as easy as it sounds. It literally takes years to reach there. Then you can use your mind to achieve whatever you want in life. But first, you need to train your mind. These are the methods to master your mind.



1. Set a goal 

          If you want to master your mind, set a specific goal for yourself. You need to control your brain by directing it towards a goal. To master your mind, first you have to understand it, how it works, what motivates you, what irritates you and all other things. You need to have a stable mind to achieve anything. Firstly, ask yourself "Why do I want to master my mind?". Come up with genuine answer. It will clear your mind and you will have motivation to be focused on your goals. 

2. Expand  

To master your mind, you need to expand in all areas of your life. Expand your experiences. Get new experiences. The more unique things you experience, the more unique you become. Bust through your limiting beliefs. How long will you be inside a little box called comfort zone. Break out from your comfort zone because the new, amazing and numerous experiences are waiting for you outside of your comfort zone. Make a list of your limiting beliefs and start working on them. Try to remove one limiting belief every month. Enjoy the process of finding your new and developed self by replacing your old and obsolete self. 

3. Change your default habits 

To master your mind, change your default unproductive habits. Install new and empowering habits in your life. You have to become better in order to get better results. And it will not happen overnight. Be aware of your habits and make sure to stick with the good ones. This will make you strong. Change your negative thoughts because you become what you think about most of the time. And it creates your reality. 

4. Pay attention  

To master your mind, pay close attention to your brain especially fontanel part. This spot is very crucial. It helps in gathering concentration. You can meditate to gather attention. It helps you to focus. This is ever improving part of your brain. It creates sensations. So, practice paying attention. 

5. Practice calmness  

To master your mind, practice calmness. Psychological studies have shown that a calm mind is way more productive than a chattering one. But it takes time to really calm your mind. First it will feel very astonishing that the simple things like calming your mind can how much be difficult. It will take you years to genuinely be able to calm your mind. You will fail many times, but forgive yourself and be consistent. This practice will also increase your logical thinking and make your concentration high.

6. Create new patterns 

To master your mind, create new patterns. These empowering patterns will set up the momentum you need to master your mind. Learn the principles. Bring them into practice. Start small. Go for a walk, start eating healthy and start gratitude journalling. This will remind your brain that you are working towards mastering your mind. This will also create sustainable happiness. 

7. Nutrition 

To master your mind, get proper nutrition. You cannot be healthy if you put unhealthy foods inside of you. You should have right foods with proper nutrition. It affects all areas of your life. Wrong foods can lower down your energy levels. So, nourish yourself with nutritious foods. It will elevate your mood and thoughts. 

8. Become aware of your emotions  

To master your mind, become aware of your emotions. You have to control the sudden peak and sudden trough of your emotions. This is undesirable for a stable mind. It creates lots of problems. So, become aware, coach yourself to stabilise your emotions. The more stable your emotions will be, the more stable your mind will become. Unstable emotions creates negative feelings. So, observe and rename them. You can control your emotions by practicing meditation. Once you've controlled your emotions then you can take conscious decisions. So understand your emotions and be aware of them.

9. Decide 

To master your mind, decide what influences you allow into your mind. You have the power to choose what kind of things you are exposing your mind to. Only allow good things to go into your head, only positive, empowering and beautiful thoughts. Don't allow any negative thoughts of any kind. You get to decide what to change. Ask yourself and feed your mind with positivity. 

10. Let go of guilt 

To master your mind, you need to let go of all your guilts. Feeling guilty makes you deflated and put you in a state of regret. Let the past experiences stay in the past. Don't make your situation worse by continuously thinking about it. Remember, you cannot go far if you carry the load of guilt over your back. Let your guilt go and welcome new and unique experiences. Make peace with your guilt and build up your motivation. 


11. Exercise your mind 

To master your mind, exercise it regularly. Take control of your thoughts. Repetition is the key. Reprogram your mind to succeed. Cultivate the Law of Attraction. Build your power of menifestation. The root cause of negativity in your life is the negative thoughts in your mind. So, excercise your mind with positive thoughts and be consistent in it. It will take some time to restructure your brain but when it happens, it will be powerful. 

12. Grow mentally 

To master your mind, grow mentally. Correct your mindset. High achievers keep improving all aspects of their lives. The more you feed your mind with positivite stuffs, the more efficient it becomes. It is as simple as that. Then it can build numerous algorithms to interpret the problems and situations to find solutions. Expand your mind. Closed mindset is often demoralised. Grow yourself mentally by reading books, listening to podcasts etc.

13. Quit overgeneralising 

To master your mind, quit overgeneralising everything. Once you failed does not mean you will always fail. Don't overgeneralise situations. Single negative thing cannot define your life. Don't project the negative happenings of something into other things. Don't project negativity on future. You can always change negative circumstances into positive lessons by hard work. Improve your mindset. Research and you will get numerous possibilities for the future. 

14. Stop reading minds uselessly  

To master your mind, stop reading other people's mind uselessly. What they think of you is non of your business. Sometimes, we happen to assume something negative that others might be thinking of us. And we get convinced that they want to harm us. These kinds of thinking produces stress in your life. Stop thinking about what others think of you, whether its positive or negative. Their thinking won't get you far. To go far you have to work hard. So, stop this tendency to constantly worry about what others think of you. Be honest with yourself and your hard work, that's all.

15. Manage your stimulations 

To master your mind, you need to manage your stimulations. Stimulations from electronic gadgets, phones, video games,  junk foods etc. These creates psychological dependency. It is similar to addictions. When you put your mind in consuming stimulations then it becomes weak and loses it potential to do real works in the real world. So, be away from negative stimulations and focus on your goals.


16. Be authentic 

To master your mind, you need to be authentic. Being authentic means being pure you without any manipulation. Authenticity is crucial if you want to master your mind. It is more crucial for entrepreneurs and individuals. To make best decisions,  the decisions should come from your authentic self not just from outward preferences. This needs honesty with yourself. If you can just connect your heart, mind and your authentic self together, we promise you, you will be able to do almost anything. 

17. Practice proper behaviors 

To master your mind, practice proper behaviors outside. Your inner world and your outer world have a connection. Any change in either side affects the other. So, discipline yourself to practice gratitude and humbleness with others. It will trigger your mind inside. You have to reinforce these habits. Then automatically you will start observing positive changes in your mind. Practice calmness from inside and refine it with your behaviours outside. This will improve your thinking, behaving and living standards. Practice it continously for progressive results. 

18. Keep up the best 

To master your mind, keep up the best. Be persistent. Understand and acknowledge that it takes time. Take your decisions wisely. Some decisions will make you guilty and some will uplift you. Choose and guide yourself with the second one. At the end you will get what you strived for. Be glad to listen to others' advice, but final decision should be your own. 

19. Find a role model 

To master your mind, find a role model for yourself. Find out who inspires you. They may be best in their fields. It helps to motivate you. You will be able to relate to your role model, if they can do it, you can too. There is no any impossible difference between you and your role model. Its just a matter of hard work and utilised time. You can build your own life by following their footsteps. You don't have to reinvent the process. This will clear your path and unlock your potentials. We are all social beings and role models can play a tremendous affect to help us succeed.

20. Eliminate friction 

To master your mind, eliminate the friction against your goals. This is another way for better approach towards your goals. It is better to remove the unproductive stuffs that distracts you like useless apps in your phone, notifications etc. Removing them will make your path distractionless and more easy. It will help you to stay on track. This it it. Now, its upto you. If you really want to master your mind, follow all these steps and practice, practice and practice. 

         We hope you liked this article "20 Ways to MASTER YOUR MIND - (Expressive Dude)". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind to share it with your friends as well. 

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         Which of the above mentioned points resonated with you and which are the ones are you going to implement right now in your life? And if you have any questions, queries or suggestions, let us know in the comments below as comment box has been created just for you! We would love to hear from you. See you soon. 

      Thank you. Have a great day and great life. Be a part of our community and we want to see that smile on your face. 

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